Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fresh Fish

We went to Boca de Tomatlan, a fishing village a couple of miles from home, early today to buy fresh fish. It was a cool morning, and we got there before the fishing boats came in. Boca has a beautiful beach, much nicer than the one near our house. I am sure we will be here a lot. There are water taxi's here too, that go south to Yelapa and a few other villages that are not served by road, and north to Puerto Vallarta.

After some busy water taxi activity, bringing people, loading groceries, and more people, the fishing boats started coming in. Of course with our extremely limited Spanish we didn't know quite what to do, but some of the men there speak English and they helped us out. We selected the fish from the fisherman in the boat. Then, after we paid, another man cleaned it for us.

The pelicans were hovering, and they especially loved the remnants of our purchase.